About 6 months into my nutritional balancing program, I learned about bullet journaling. If you aren't familiar with the idea, “the bullet journal is a customizable and forgiving organization system. It can be your to-do list, sketchbook, notebook, and diary, but most likely, it will be all of the above.” I found the concept of journal/to-do list/tracker highly appealing as I have little scraps of paper with to-do lists scattered throughout the house, on my phone and one my computer. Most were started and then abandoned because of the scope. I also have at least five journals started and abandoned. I use my journals to vent or to capture a fleeting memory of my daughter as she rapidly grew before my eyes, but I don't take time to journal everyday. Inevitably the journal feels outdated when I pick it up again, so I start anew with a fresh journal only to repeat the pattern. The idea of a notebook where I could capture moments, thoughts and events simply while at the same time keeping track of the things I needed to get done on a daily basis was incredibly appealing. It would become a one stop shop for organizing my life.
I used it religiously for about a month and then off and on over the next few months. When I used it, I drank more water, did the sauna more often and spent more quiet mornings to myself. Having something beautiful and functional made me feel more organized and freed my mind from having to remember all those little to do items. Also, while raising my two daughters as a solo parent due to my husband's work travel and focusing on my own healing, sometimes looking down at that to-do list and being able to check one thing off made me feel like I achieved something tangible that day. I learned to write down accomplishable tasks, rather than going nuclear on every to do list. I didn't write down the bathroom remodel that will maybe happen in 3 years. I instead put down “buy dog food”...much more achievable and certainly necessary if I want my 10 pound terrier to live. While there is a place for that bathroom remodel in the journal, it doesn't need to be taking up my daily mental energy.
My biggest take away from the bullet journal was the daily habit tracker. It is simple, aesthetically pleasing and impactful. When it comes time for a retest, your practitioner will ask you how you've been doing in the major areas of your program (diet, water, sleep, sauna, coffee enemas, etc.). Having a daily tracker gives you instant and honest feedback on how often you do each part. While the truth may be embarrassing, giving your practitioner an accurate picture of your daily habits will help them advise and support you. I find it motivates me to stick closely to the program so I can fill in the day’s squares and circles. I'm like a toddler with a sticker chart.
My tracker is simple and appealing. It allows me to quickly keep track of what I've done for the day. Click on it to download it for your personal use.