All information on this page is for educational purposes only.  It is not for the diagnosis, treatment, prescription or cure of any disease or health condition.

Benefits of Regularly Using a Near Infrared Sauna

Some of these benefits can come from any type of sauna, but many are unique to the near infrared light sauna. (1) (2)


Healthier skin

Achieve a natural glow from the inside out when you have greater blood flow and less congestion in your skin.

promotes healthy cellular regeneration

The sauna may reduce tumors and other abnormal cells through fever therapy.

Lowered blood Pressure

Lowering your blood pressure naturally can help you avoid toxic drug therapy and its side effects.

cellulite reduction

By releasing toxins and improving your metabolism, the sauna can help you reduce your cellulite. Cellulite is fat coupled with toxins in a person with compromised connective tissue.

relief from symptoms

Arthritis, allergies, skin conditions and chemical sensitivity are all known to respond to near infrared sauna therapy.

Enhanced circulation

The sauna increases blood flow, causes vascular dilation and raises your heart rate, all of which enhances circulation. This is especially therapeutic during the cold winter months when many people notice the effects of poor circulation.

sauna protocol

Disclaimer: Nothing in this article is meant to diagnose, treat, prescribe or cure any disease or health condition. You should always consult a doctor or other practitioner knowledgeable in sauna use before beginning a sauna therapy program. Never spend more than 20 minutes in a near infrared sauna unless you are on a complete nutritional balancing program based on a properly preformed and interpreted hair mineral analysis. The sauna is a powerful healing tool that should be used alongside additional supportive measures like a proper diet and supplementation.

Because of the sum of all of the above benefits, sauna therapy is recommended for most everyone, including children. Many adults will see benefits by using it for as little as 20 minutes a day. Others will derive the greatest benefits from 50-60 minutes of daily use. This can be done in two 20-30 minute sessions or one longer session.

One should always consult a medical professional before and during sauna therapy.

When in the sauna, we recommend turning your body 90 degrees every 5 minutes or so.

Children under age 5 may benefit from a single red heat lamb shined on their chest/tummy daily for 5-20 minutes depending on age. Children usually enjoy the calming and gentle warming effects after a bath and before bed.


(1) Dr. Lawrence Wilson. "Sauna Therapy,"

(2) Dr. Lawrence Wilson. "The Benefits of Near Infrared Energy"

(4) Rogers Sherry A., MD. "Reversing the Neurodegeneration from Ubiquitous Environmental Endocrine Disruptors."

All information on this page is for educational purposes only.  It is not for the diagnosis, treatment, prescription or cure of any disease or health condition.